The pandemic

The pandemic brings its own set of challenges. Learn more about how Benedict Labre House has adapted to the pandemic.

At Maison Benoit Labre, the pandemic has tested us quickly. As a result, we have seen a drastic increase in need in our community. Several factors have been the source of this increase. For example, the loss of a job for some, the loss of a home due to increased housing costs, habits changed by the closing of restaurants and hot spots for people without housing, etc.

The new reality caused by the pandemic is not a relaxing one for the most vulnerable people. For this reason, our team quickly adjusted to this new reality that has turned our community's life upside down.

On March 25th, we implemented new measures to respect the health recommendations and respond to the increased demand. 

Among other things, we reorganized our space to meet health regulations and create a more productive space for our new staff members.

We have hired several new staff members. The increase in the number of people on the team allowed for a better balance and separation of duties and workstations that we put in place for everyone's safety.

We have separated our team into two parts, a weekday team and a weekend team, to decrease contact and reduce the chances of spread. In addition, this structure ensures that if one group were to catch Covid-19, there would still be someone to keep the day center open and provide our services.

In addition, we have created three response offices instead of one. Finally, with the help of volunteers, we were able to create a table service so that the meal, change room, and shower services could continue.

We increased our hours of operation and meal service to compensate for the lack of service.

We have increased the distribution of food baskets and developed a home service with the help of volunteers. More than 150-200 baskets were distributed per week.

There is no doubt that the pandemic will continue to cause damage to our communities. Solidarity, mutual aid, and innovation will all be key to meeting the new challenges of this crisis.


Sweet baby 2.0 has arrived!


We are getting ready to build!