• The Benedict Labre House aims to support a marginalized urban population who sometimes struggle with untreated mental health and/or substance use disorders.

    Our goal is to offer adequate and adapted services to meet the needs of the people we reach. Providing a supervised consumption space that is safe for everyone is a service that partly responds to the increase in overdoses among people who use the resource.

  • The Benedict Labre House understands the fears expressed and felt by parents and residents. We place great importance on listening to their concerns and are committed to responding proactively.

  • The Benedict Labre House has created and deployed a neighborhood cleaning brigade and has a full-time employee dedicated to the security of the school zone. However, we recognize that some people may remain dissatisfied and are open to hearing their concerns and to finding solutions.

  • The Benedict Labre House is creating workshops to raise awareness of homelessness and the demystification of its diverse realities. These workshops will be accessible to the greater South-West community. We believe that raising awareness will lead to a greater understanding of the different issues that certain people may face. Ultimately, we believe that this can promote a certain sense of community amongst parties.

  • We collaborated with several partners, such as the Regional Director of Public Health (DRSP), the Integrated University Health and Social Services Network (CIUSSS), the police, and more. Additionally, we organized information sessions with citizens to provide them with all the necessary information.

  • The supervised consumption component has been an integral part of the project since 2021 and we have always been transparent about it. We have fully informed the community about this component of the project from the beginning.

  • This project is based on similar and comparable initiatives which have had extremely beneficial impacts both for vulnerable populations and for neighboring communities. Our project draws on evaluations and evidence to support the effectiveness of this model.

  • We have garnered widespread support for our supportive and inclusive approach to addressing the growing issues of homelessness, poverty and vulnerability. We have received much support from the general population, as well as from other intervention workers and community partners.

  • The Benedict Labre House remains open to collaborating with all intervention workers and the general population to improve our project and ensure continuous and transparent communication. We are committed to meeting the needs of the community and working together to find lasting solutions.

    In addition, we have set up a good neighbour committee, the first meeting of which took place on October 10. Currently, the committee wishes to have bi-monthly meetings and the date of the next meeting will be communicated to you on our website once it is confirmed.

  • The Benedict Labre House recognizes growing issues such as homelessness, poverty and human distress. We believe that these issues require appropriate, adapted solutions and that projects like ours aim to proactively respond to these issues and improve the situation for everyone.

  • The consumption room includes two cubicles, which helps provide a safe space and secure environment for those who need it.

  • This service is aimed at people who already frequent the Benedict Labre House and with whom we have established relationships of trust. The goal is to provide holistic support and reduce risks associated with substance use.

  • During our meetings with citizens, certain concerns arose regarding pedophilia. It is therefore essential to clarify the distinction between a pedophile and a precarious person, such as those who benefit from the help of the Benedict Labre House.

    The Benedict Labre House is an organization dedicated to providing services and support to precarious people. This includes individuals who find themselves in a situation of vulnerability due to poverty, lack of housing or other difficulties. The main objective of the Benedict Labre House is to help them meet their basic needs such as food, housing and security.